A. Smith

Welcome to My Website

Ayronada's headshot with big, bright smile and curly hair
Software Engineer

I'm Ayronada Smith M.D., a software engineer and blogger. I'm a self-taught software developer who started my journey after leaving my career as an OBGYN physician. I started my tech blog as a way to fortify the coding concepts I was learning. In doing so, I've found joy in teaching others how to code and become a software engineer.

My Portfolio

I learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through building different projects. In this section, you will find the websites, applications, and games I've built and am currently working on.

More about me

Hello 👋🏾 all! My name is Ayronada, but everyone calls me Nada. I'm originally from New Orleans, and I love pistaccio ice cream.

My tech Blog

Make sure to check out my tech blog where I document my learning journey as well as teach people how to code.

My latest work

ePrescription App

This is a full-stack application designed to streamline the prescription management process for healthcare providers. It utilizes the MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, NodeJS) stack.

Parachute Game

This is a two-player turn-based guessing game built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.